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unique cars ~~~

it was from an event in Jakarta
and i just took picture about 3 cars... just amazed with all cars.. so i dont think fast to take a photo
but it was very nice exhibition...
wanna visit again...

Visiting Yogyakarta

i make a list ...some
places that you must see or visit if you in Yogyakarta,Indonesia
  • Keraton Yogyakarta  >> the Sultan's of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace
  • Tamansari  >>Part of Keraton, like a water castle
  • Bukit Bintang@night  >> u can see a view entire of Yogya from here 
  • Kaliurang >> loacated in nortd side which one is colder from the town , u can see Merapi Mountain too

Another Lego in Jakarta for Christmas 2010

Unique Furniture Pics

Lego in Sydney, Autralia (video)

this is..
the wall with LEGO ...
all of the surface..

i just think..maybe its about Ariel's father (little mermaid)
nice art ><

its around Sydney Aquarium

Sydney, Autralia (video)

this is my video when I were in Aussie..
just want to share

i recorded this video from bus so, not too good quality..
and there will be the tour guide voice too as well
just enjoy it.,.
may be it make u want to visit Sydney ><

such a nice place..
> my 1st tour to other country<

>please don't re-upload<
>link n credit only<
thank u

Sydney, Autralia

These are photos from my short trip in the land of kangaroos and koalas
1st day 
Sydney Opera House and around
this is view from upstairs .. sydney opera house back position and of course at night

and this the other side too...while u can see too the harbour bridge

from downstairs...

look this  icon at night

Yogyakarta, Indoneisa


one part of the Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta which has existed since the first
Castle was formerly used as a bathing place for the Sultan and his family. Now thebuilding is one of the buildings to be restored by UNESCO to be a tourist destination fordomestic tourists and foreigners alike


a large courtyard that is often used to hold various rituals or events from his own palace.Additionally Citizens also use the Square that circle as one of the places to find food,such as selling food to the valet when a tourist bus.
Square itself there are 2 places

North ALun-Alun and South Alun-ALunSouth Alun-Alun, every night crowded by people who want to spend time togetherwhile playing with the family accompanied by a cup of hot drink and good atmosphere
whereas the north, is more often used as a place of sport and event-a big eventsuch as concerts and fairs (sekaten)

the beginning

This is a my other blog which I hope can be useful for you
and the future of this blog will contain more or less around the culture of Indonesia, the resort, the local language, food, even to the songs (maybe). Do not worry I'll add a bit from other countries that quite interesting, like South Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Australia,etc.
And for the 2nd post, I will introduce the area where I live now with all the circumstances
